Introducing the stunning Lotus berthelotii, commonly known as Parrot’s Beak, a captivating addition to your garden or home decor. This evergreen perennial is native to the Canary Islands and is celebrated for its unique trailing habit and vibrant blooms. The plant typically measures around 12 cm in height, making it an ideal choice for containers, hanging baskets, or as a charming ground cover.
77 in stock
Appearance: The Lotus berthelotii features soft, silver-gray, needle-like leaves that are arranged in attractive whorls along its stems. These delicate foliage elements create a striking contrast with the plant’s showy flowers. The blooms are pea-like and approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) long, showcasing bright crimson colors that resemble parrot beaks—an adaptation believed to attract bird pollinators.
Growing Conditions: This plant thrives best in full sun with well-drained soil but can tolerate part shade in hotter climates. It prefers light watering; however, it is essential to allow the top layer of soil to dry out before rewatering to prevent root rot. The Lotus berthelotii is deer resistant and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, making it an excellent choice for wildlife enthusiasts.
Care Instructions: To promote bushy growth and abundant flowering, pinch back the stem ends regularly. While this plant can be propagated from both stem cuttings and seeds, those grown from cuttings may bloom within the same year. However, plants grown from seed will primarily showcase their attractive foliage during their first year.
Uses: Perfect for rock gardens or cascading over walls, the Lotus berthelotii adds a touch of exotic beauty wherever it is planted. Its unique appearance makes it suitable for Mediterranean-themed gardens or as an eye-catching feature in mixed borders.
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