

Kitchen gardening


Parsley is one of the most versatile herbs that you can grow. It adds wonderful flavour to a multitude of dishes and has a host of healing properties. The Ancient Greeks must have known that this humble herb was special – they used parsley wreaths to crown the winners of major sporting events.

Planting tips :

  • Parsley is a hardy herb that will fare best in sunny or semi-shady areas of your garden. It can also be grown in pots, provided they are at least 30cm deep.
  • Enrich the soil with compost to ensure that it is rich and drains well. Pots should be filled with good quality potting soil.
  • Parsley takes a long time to grow from seed, so it’s best to buy seedlings and plant these directly in your garden. By planting a new batch every four months, you’ll ensure a steady supply for your home and kitchen.
  • When harvesting parsley, pick the outer leaves which are located closest to the ground. Remove and discard any yellow leaves or flowers and immediately.
  • If your entire parsley plant turns yellow chances are good that it’s thirsty or malnourished. Water or feed with a balanced fertiliser to ensure a healthy plant.

Uses :

  • Parsley adds wonderful flavour to soups, fish dishes and potato salads.
  • Parsley is an excellent source of vitamin A and C, so it’s a great herb to have on standby when the winter colds and flu arrive.
  • Parsley is a natural diuretic, so it’s ideal for relieving bloating after a large meal or to help alleviate some of the symptoms of PMS.
  • Parsley really does work as a breath freshener – it’s far better than most breath mints at masking the smell of garlic!

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