

Kitchen gardening

Wooden board with kitchen shears and sprigs of fresh dill next to glass bowl containing a succulent.

Dill is very popular in Greek and Scandinavian cooking and adds wonderful flavour to summer soups and salads. It’s an annual herb, but it self-seeds very easily, so once you’re planted it you’ll have a steady supply for years to come.

Planting tips :

  • Choose a sunny spot, and make sure that the soil drains well.Dill can also be grown in a pot, provided that it is deep enough to accommodate this herb’s long tap root.
  • Dill does not take well to being transplanted, so make sure you plant or sow it in the correct position from the start.
  • To prolong the growing season, pinch out the growing tips to prevent the yellow flowers and seeds from forming.
  • Don’t plant dill close to fennel – the two herbs tend to cross-pollinate, leading to mixed flavours.

Uses :

  • Dill comes from the Norse word “dilla”, which leans to lull, owing to the fact that dill tea is believed to help ward off insomnia.
  • Dill works very well in yoghurt- and sour cream-based sauces.
  • Dill is also be used to flavour fish dishes such as gravlax and trout.