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Grow Your Own Exquisite Kadota Figs

Kadota Figs have a sweet taste if they grown in full sun. They are vigorous growers and can handle sub zero temperatures once established. While young use frost cover to protect them against frost and extreme cold.

They are self pollinating and therefore, you only need one tree to bear fruit. Their fruit is large, with pale green-yellow skin and pink flesh.

They are very popular for canning, delicious fresh and dried. Depending on your climate they are ready to harvest in late summer

Full sun is required for good fruit setting. Plant your fig tree at least 5 to 6 metres away from any buildings or other trees to allow its roots and canopy to spread comfortably. Fig trees can grow in most types of soil as long as the soil is well-drained and contains plenty of organic material. They do not like acidic soil, so use ordinary organic compost to keep the pH up. Water your fig tree every second day after transplanting it. Thereafter, it will need a good soaking once a week, if there has been no rain. It’s best to prune your tree during the winter by removing suckers growing on its base. Cut away dead and diseased wood. The main branches can also be cut back.

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