Plant some Cape Daisies


DIY and how-to

A close-up of a vibrant pink daisy flower blooming against a clear blue sky, surrounded by green foliage.

Plant some Cape Daisies

August is daisy season, so it’s the ideal time to add some indigenous daisies to your garden. The Osteospermum daisy variety is often referred to as the Cape daisy. About 35 Osteospermum species are native to southern Africa and many of them grow wild in the Western Cape. Wild varieties tend to be white, mauve and purple, but thanks to hybridisation, a wide range of copper, yellow and orange varieties is now also available.

Osteospermum plants prefer a warm, sunny position and rich soil, although they will tolerate poor soil, salty winds or periods of drought. Dead-heading is not necessary, because they do not set seed easily. Osteospermums should be watered once a week to prevent the soil from drying out completely. However, the soil should not be allowed to get soggy, as this can cause their roots to rot.

We have a wide range of Osteospermum varieties available at our five Stodels Garden Centres.

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